Property Management Blog

Effective Property Marketing Tips to Find Your Ideal Tenants in Cleveland

Effective Property Marketing Tips to Find Your Ideal Tenants in Cleveland

Did you know nearly 50% of homebuyers first check for homes online before requesting help? Your ideal tenants are doing the same! With a digital property marketing strategy, you can start reaching these tenants to generate applications.

Not sure how to start attracting new Cleveland renters online? Read on for the tips you need to boost your occupancy rate ASAP!

Enhance the Property

Before updating your real estate listing, make the property as eye-catching and appealing as possible. A few minor upgrades can alter the property's look and feel. You'll have an easier time drawing in ideal tenants and increasing rental rates.

A few effective property upgrades include:

  • Backsplash
  • Hardwood or vinyl floors
  • Fresh paint
  • New kitchen cabinets
  • Warm light fixtures
  • New bathroom hardware
  • Landscaping improvements

Try to see the property with fresh eyes. If you spot problems with the rental, potential tenants will as well. Don't forget to keep up with maintenance after renters move in.

Capture High-Resolution Photographs

Capture new, high resolution photos of the property after making the above upgrades. You can use these photos to strengthen other digital marketing campaigns.

Get images of the property's interior and exterior. The exterior will likely make a first impression on potential tenants. Plant fresh flowers and paint the door an eye-catching shade to draw their attention.

Update the Real Estate Listing

Provide helpful information to attract and engage potential renters. Your rental listing should include:

  • An attention-grabbing headline
  • Location-specific language
  • A compelling call to action
  • High-quality photos and videos
  • A list of amenities and unique features
  • The rental rate

Don't forget to include your contact information. Get potential renters excited about the idea of living in the property. Paint a picture using story-telling language.

Appeal to your ideal tenants by personalizing the description based on the audience you're trying to reach. For example, perhaps you're reaching out to singles, business professionals, or small families.

To engage business professionals, mention meeting spaces or transportation options. For the latter, mention family-friendly restaurants, parks, and activities in the area.

Share on Social Media

Engage your ideal tenants on social media and direct them to your real estate listing. Share stunning photos and video tours of the property to grab their attention.

Encourage them to schedule a tour in person to see more of the property. Add a compelling call to action and your contact information to boost engagement.

Screen for Ideal Tenants

Once you start attracting tenants, use tenant screening services to find your ideal renters. You can outsource this process to a property management company. Their services will ensure you find reliable renters.

Retaining these renters long-term will boost your occupancy rate and ROI. You'll have peace of mind knowing you've chosen trustworthy renters.

Request Help With Your Property Marketing

Having a strong property marketing strategy is key if you want to boost your occupancy rate. Use these effective strategies to start reaching Cleveland renters. Otherwise, ask for help!

Our team at Remax Haven Realty has over 11 years of experience managing 1,700 properties in the Cleveland area. We offer high-quality services by providing a personal touch. You'll receive a consistent experience with our worry-free property management.

Need help with your property marketing campaigns? Contact us now for a free rental price analysis!
